In the spirit of research
Trentin Impianti S.r.l. (i.e. LLC) was founded in 2000 and has since been developing thanks to constant quest for systems and technologies in the area of plant engineering.
The story of the Company is based on the passion and resourcefulness of an entrepreneur who started as a craftsman and is now in the forefront of the technical and executive area. Professionalism and work ethic of all the staff have been building a pathway which is supported by a growing number of customers and is a reference point for any needs of installations at all levels.
The Company offers services ranging from planning, implementation and maintenance of civilian, industrial, agri-food, telecommunications etc. plants:
Trentin Impianti srl is a UNI EN ISO 9001/2008 Certified Company and has achieved a SOA cat. OS30 III and OG11 II Qualification.

News and Events

News Agevolazioni fiscali
Attenzione: con la legge di stabilità 2016 (legge n. 208 del 28 dicembre 2015) sono state prorogate fino al 31 dicembre 2016 sia la detrazione fiscale del 65% per gli…

News Bonus Comune di Paese
CONTRIBUTO PER SOSTITUZIONE CALDAIA In attuazione del Piano d'Azione per l'Energia Sostenibile la giunta comunale, con D.G.C. n. 11 del 25/01/2016, ha approvato l'erogazione di un contributo di 500,00 euro per la…